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For The Single God-Led Woman:

For The Single God-Led Woman:




Do you desire results like our past clients?

"I was single for 10 years and I wouldn't be in a relationship without this program!"

"I'm almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, and loving relationship"

"I'm now in a safe nourishing relationship for the first time in almost 10 years!"

If so, keep reading...

I know you want to attract your future husband who you can build a marriage and family with...

  But it seems almost impossible to find a man who wants the same thing as you.

But, you know deep down that your future husband exists...

  But you're starting to think it might not be possible for you.

The voice in your head yells things like:

But, what if it was possible to have the marriage and family you've been wanting to build?

Where you're with a man who loves and cherishes you as you are.

Who is there for you in the hard times and there for you to celebrate in the good times.

And who consistently goes out of his way to ensure you feel safe, wanted, cared for, and like you truly matter.

We're here to show you that you can have that reality.

That's why we created Frequency of Love.

To ensure you have the guidance and support you need to help you do so.

Together in our mentorship program, we will help you bring awareness to the unconscious patterns and beliefs holding you back, give you practical expert coaching, help you build the skills to have a healthy relationship, and you'll be around a group of women who will be your biggest cheerleaders along the way. 

In short, we will show you how to meet, date, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship in the most effective way possible. 


Frequency of Love will show you how to meet your future husband, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.



First, fill out a brief form to see if you're a good fit for Frequency of Love.


If approved, we will dive into your love life situation, your desires, and the biggest challenges you're facing.


If we're confident we can help you, we will offer you a spot in our Frequency of Love program. 



Meet Alison who went...



“I wouldn't be in a relationship without this program!"


“Before this program, I was single for 10 years and had stopped dating for 6 years. I previously had bad relationships, I was cheated on a lot and had previous s/xual trauma. To get out there and open up, be vulnerable and trust another person to be intimate with was scary, but… I wanted a relationship. During this program I got to know myself a lot more and after the course, I looked back at how far I have come. I was individualistic, not focusing on companionship, it’s a big change. I wouldn't be in a relationship without this program and the community from the course is amazing."

- ALISON, Canada

And then there is Mimi Who went...



“When I joined, I was still hung up on a guy that I had had a situation-ship with. Through this program, I discovered my values and what I didn’t want to compromise on in a relationship, and that helped me to move on and to become clear on what I wanted.

And then when I used the framework that is taught around dating, a week later I was in a relationship because I had the courage and the confidence to be like: this is what I want and I’m not willing to compromise on these things.”         


And here is Jonnemarie who went...



"This is the healthiest & most fulfilling relationship I've ever been a part of. I feel so safe, seen, heard,   respected,  special, loved, and wanted. We are now engaged and I still wake up every day with overflowing love, gratitude, and happiness!"

When I first joined, I was stuck in a cycle of unhealthy attachments and patterns in my relationships that had spanned over a decade. I found myself jumping from one guy to another, constantly seeking emotional connections from men who I knew weren't the right matches for me.

This program was truly life-changing and an invaluable investment. The content and coaching was so valuable. I was already having huge breakthroughs on the first call.

Matt and Kelley radiated kindness, wisdom, and encouragement. Their support and guidance, along with the camaraderie with other group members, created a safe and empowering space that was so important for me to be able to fully commit to vulnerability and healing. I felt truly understood and motivated knowing that I wasn't on this journey alone.

The knowledge, strength, and confidence I had cultivated through this program continued to guide me and one year later, I met my absolute dream partner.

We are now engaged and I still wake up every day with overflowing love, gratitude, and happiness!

He is the love of my life, but the best part is that even if something crazy happened and our relationship ended up not working out, I know deep down that I would be okay because I've learned how to heal and I have truly transformed my relationship with MYSELF.

And here is Rachel who went...




"It was because of the guidance and support I got in this program that I was able to manifest and maintain this amazing relationship.

I was able to heal from my past wounds and become a much healthier and happier version of myself.

I'm immensely grateful for how much this program has transformed my life, both professionally and personally."

Take a look at what more of our students have to say about their experience inside the program...


"What price would you put on finding the love of your life?"

"When I first saw how much this class was, I wasn't sure I could afford it, but when I re-framed it lin my mind as 'what price would you put on finding the love of your life?' then it was really a no-brainer.

Sure enough, within DAYS of submitting full payment, before the first class even started, I matched with a man on Tinder who was EXACTLY the man I've been looking for, and who I am now in a committed and deeply loving relationship with.

Being in this course has truly set me up for success - taking responsibility for my stuff, staying open in my communication with him (even when it feels vulnerable and scary), and really learning to lean into my feminine and fully receive his love and affection." 



"I am now in a safe & nourishing relationship for the first time in almost 10 years!" 

And it has all of the things that I have always wanted that I never thought was possible for me before this program.

And all of this has happened in just 3 months since the program!

I feel seen and heard, I know how to make him feel seen and heard and we’re both happy, relaxed, in love and committed. It feels amazing.

I am so so grateful for the work we did inside this program. It’s been such an amazing experience.




Discover how to meet your future husband, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.


"It is worth every penny. It is worth the financial risk."

The main concern for me is always financial. Knowing that it's a risk and maybe I'm not in the best spot financially to do it.

The rewards are just astounding. It's worth it.

You don't know until do it. You realize that it is worth every penny. It is worth taking the financial risk.

- Erika

"I'm a Clinical Psychologist and I always had this belief that coaching was bulls*^t - and that's a false belief!" 

Whatever your difficulties are: emotional, time, money, language - go for it!

- Amina, Clinical Psychologist


“’I'm almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, and loving relationship!”

After years of giving too much in relationships, of struggling to set boundaries and not knowing how to put myself first, I felt fearful of starting again incase I ended up in the same situation.

This program was such a supportive container within which I learned about slow dating and getting clear on my desires. I found the courage to put myself out there again, to give love and myself another chance!

Now I’m almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, loving relationship.. full of tears, healing, laughter and all the things.. all of me is welcome! I am bursting with confidence and I am living and loving my life.

-Grace C

"I thought I have already been doing a lot of work on myself, I doubt I will learn anything life-changing in this program" 

WELL the whole course has been life changing. I never ever expected to see changes within myself so fast.

My relationship with myself has gotten so much better and it’s really beautiful to see & feel. The supportive community in the program has felt a bit like family and I was so excited for every call. This was definitely the best thing I have done for myself.

-Amina - Ukraine




Matt Cama

Matt Cama is a globally respected dating and intimacy coach, author, speaker, and Co-Founder of Frequency of Love.

Having reached over 40 million people through his online content, Matt is an expert when it comes to helping single women attract their dream man by leading with the main principle he teaches in his programs and retreats:

"The breakdowns you have in dating and relationships will always mirror back to the relationship you have with yourself".

Matt's passion for teaching about intimacy and dating stemmed from being bullied as a kid and struggling with social skills, which affected how he showed up in relationships. He continued to attract the same relationships with the same patterns, but just with different people until he worked on changing the relationship with himself.

Now Matt is passionate about showing his students and personal clients how to change their relationship with themselves through somatic work, trauma healing, inner child work, shadow work, breath work, and learning how to healthily communicate because it's what helped him the most.

After showing his students and clients how to have a healthy relationship with themselves, he will then teach the tools, skills, and most effective teachings on dating to attract their dream partner.

Kelley Bode

Kelley Bode is the Co-Founder of Frequency of Love and an internationally renowned relationship coach helping women have the love they deeply desire.

Through her platforms & programs around feminine energy & love, she has coached & taught tens of thousands of women and couples towards more love, self-expression, and intimacy with themselves and their partners.

Kelley is committed to turning relating from complicated, confusing, and frustrating to simple, fulfilling, juicy, fun, and clear.

Kelley’s love for teaching around these topics came from her own struggles and growth.
For years, she struggled through situation-ships, feeling unworthy, and toxic dynamics in relationships until a particularly bad breakup pushed her to look at her own relationship patterns and deeper wounds that were stopping her from having what she truly wanted: a healthy, loving relationship.

Now Kelley is passionate about teaching women & couples how they can have the loving, healthy relationships that they want - knowing that it is truly possible for anyone who is willing to commit to their own healing and growth as she has.
In case we missed anything, here are some commonly asked questions!



  • Get access to an online video course from Matt & Kelley that shows you how to meet your dream man, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.

  • Get 2X live group calls per week with Matt & Kelley where you will have the space to ask any questions you want and get support through any challenges you're having in your love life.

  • Live skill-building calls where you wilhave a space to practice and get feedback on your communication skills such as flirting, expressing desires, setting boundaries, resolving conflict, creating openings, and much more.

  • Immerse in weekly coaching, accountability, clear dating plans, healing tools, and support from sisterhood.


We open up a few spots each month for women to join Frequency of Love.

Click below to fill out a brief form to be considered.


© Frequency of Love. All Rights Reserved.